EFT for pain

Use borrowingenefits for pain of physical symptoms in your body as you tap along to this EFT demonstration for shoulder pain and restricted movement. As we trace the feelings in her body, she relates the feeings to memories with her son.


It started as a burning knot feeling in the bowel and went to the time when she separated from her husband.

Watch as we trace the feelings in the body to an emotional time when she was separating from her husband and then dissolve it all.

What will YOU get from participating in a LIVE EFT Workshop?

This EFT Workshop participant had tried EFT online in the past but didn’t get much out of it. She knew she had childhood traumas trapped inside of her but had been unable to process and release them until she participated in an EFT Universe Level 1 with Jenny Johnston. Listen to how she describes her experience in this short video.

Imagine the PAIN of losing your daughter. Grief can be an emotion that haunts you for years. Watch this touching video as we gently allow her to feal peace over her daughter’s death.

If you have a grief issue, contact Jenny for a skype or in person session, so you can feel peace too.

Since she was little, she LOVED Chocolate Pineapple Lumps, but it was becoming something she couldn’t do without!

When we tapped on her cravings for these chocolate pineaplle lumps, we found her thoughts and emotions took her back to family, birthdays, being spoilt and New Zealand. We kept all those feelings of love and family but disconnected it to the chocolate. Now she hasn’t been near them since! A very FUNNY video to watch and short too!

Ever ‘heard’ you own bones break and said, “I’ll never forget that”? Well he did, but now he’s released ‘hearing’ that sound and all the fear and pain along with it.

When he had that motor bike accident, he thought he was going to die and he didn’t really want to go through ‘re-living it’ again. So we approached it gently and he was able to release the fear and pain and all the aspects of that motorbike accident, without becoming re-traumatised.

Introduction to EFT at the Academy of Hypnotic Science – March 19th.

Jenny is speaking about EFT and demonstrating it in an Introduction Evening from 7pm – 9pm on Tuesday 19th March at the Academy of Hypnotic Science in Riddell Pde, Elsternwick. This “Introduction to EFT” is open to anyone, not just Clinical Hypnotherapists. For all the details of what you will learn and to register, see here.

To watch a 7 min demonstration of basic Clinical EFT that changed this womans life and her feelings of guilt, watch here…..


EFT Workshops in Newcastle in March and Melbourne in April

I’m looking forward to teaching Mental Health Care Nurses, Clinical Hypnotherapists, Counsellors, hospital staff and people interested in learning EFT for themselves, their families and their clients.

I’m in Newcastle teaching an Intensive EFT 4 day workshop of both EFT Level 1 and Level 2 on March 23 -26.

In Melbourne, I’m teaching EFT Level1 on the weekend of April 6 & 7 and then the weekend of April 13 & 14 is EFT Level 2. See all EFT Training Dates here.

Here is a testimony from one EFT student from a recent EFT workshop – He cleared his allergy to shellfish!

EFT in Groups

Jenny is once again providing EFT in a group setting focussing on the Personal Peace Procedure. Groups are running every thursday night in February in Seaford, Melbourne from 7.30-9pm $25. Booking required through Jenny.

Come along and experience the power, pleasure, laughter, tears and energetic release into peace and empowerment!

EFT for the Soul – QUANTUM EFT

This long awaited expeience of the soul’s journey being combined with EFT in the form of Quantum EFT, is about to begin with the first Quantum EFT Workshop in Seaford, Melbourne, Australia on Feb 23, 24. Quantum EFT and Mining the Akash will be expeienced in the now of the needs of workshop participants and will lead us intuitively to where we need to go.

Imagine bringing back talents and gifts already learned from lives already lived and then activating them into the physical and energetic biology through the multi-dimensional layers of DNA into your present!

Using Jenny’s skills as a Clinical Hypntherapsit, Past Life Regression Therapist, Spiritual learnings and EFT Trainer, this workshop will be a once in a lifetime experience. Limited numbers. Contact Jenny to see if any places remain.

Further Quantum EFT workshops are already filling in Brisbane in July/August and in Sydney in September. Get in early to secure your place. This workshop will book out.

See here for further information on Quantum EFT.