Ever feel the need to eat sweet things after dinner?

Try tapping along to this video filmed in an EFT Workshop to diminsh your own sweet cravings.

Do you ever experience pain in your back or neck?

Tap along with this video and focus on your own pain and when and where you have experienced it. Perhaps your pain will diminish too.

If you would like to work with Jenny to work on your specific pain and any emotional contributions to pain, contact her for a session in person or on skype.

Do you have a fear of spiders and want to be rid of it? Tap along to this video and see what happens.

Please take care ofyour own wellbeing and tap along while you watch this. If you want to work specifically on your own spider memory with Jenny, please contact her here for a private skype or in person session.

FREE Info nights with Door Prize of FREE Quantum EFT Session.

Jenny at the Melbourne Kryon Event.

Due to the many inquiries about Personal Quantum EFT & Mining the Akash Sessions and Workshops, Jenny is holding 2 FREE Info Nights on these subjects. Pre-registration is required to guarantee a seat, or pay $20 at the door.

  • Monday March 24th and Monday May 5th, 7-9pm at ‘Living Now’, 42 Hartnett Dve, Seaford.
  • Door Prize of a FREE Quantum EFT Session with Jenny.
  • Contact Jenny to reserve your place and be in the draw to win a FREE session.
  • For more information about Quantum EFT & Mining the Akash, see here.

Register now for a whole weekend of Quantum EFT & Mining the Akash (Ask Jenny about Early Bird and Special Prices).

  • March 29, 30 (include Fri 28th for a Foundation EFT Day). $495/$695
  • April 26, 27 (include Fri 25th for a Foundation EFT Day). $495/$695
  • May 24, 25 (include Fri 23rd for a Foundation EFT Day). $495/$695
  • July 19, 20 (include Fri 18th for a Foundation EFT Day). $495/$695

Free 2014 World Tapping Summit is nearly here!

take a minute to write this date and time down…

February 24th at 8PM ET

You see, at this specific date and time, there is a free online event taking place that will dramatically change your life.  During this event you’ll be guided through the application of a technique that delivers such tremendous results, and so quickly, that it falls into the “I can’t believe this works so well” category.

The technique is EFT, or Tapping, and if you’ve been paying attention to all the buzz lately around the 2014 Tapping World Summit — the 6th annual event —  you’re probably curious to learn more about it…

I highly recommend checking out the page below to learn all about it, and about why you need to attend this massive free online event.  The event starts on February 24th but there are a full 10 days of life-altering presentations


Here are 3 good reasons why you DO NOT want to miss this:

1 – This event is an experience, not just an event with information.  Attendees don’t just leave with ideas or theories on how to make their life better, they leave actually feeling better.

They leave with less stress, anxiety, overwhelm, anger, sadness, and other negative emotions.  They leave having cleared limiting beliefs around money, health, relationships and more.  They leave having cleared childhood traumas.  They leave the event better than when they went in.  You, yes YOU…will leave this event better than when you enter it.

This event has been going on for 6 years.  It has a reputation for getting results for attendees, year after year after year.  :)

2 – This event is 100% content, no products are pitched.  Don’t expect any sales pitches during these presentations, because you won’t get any.  Every one of the 23 presentations, that you can listen to in their entirety, are 100% content only.

3 – This event is free.  If you’re given the opportunity to attend an event that is 100% content, that has a proven track record of getting people results during the 10-days of the event, that uses a technique that has been scientifically proven to get results and is supported by the world’s leading personal development experts, medical doctors, and psychologists, and it’s all free…why wouldn’t you give it a chance?

There is literally nothing to lose.  Sign up for it and if you don’t like the event (which I highly doubt will happen), just unsubscribe from the event and you won’t hear about it again.  But why not give it a chance?  It seems like there are only positives and no negatives that could come out of the opportunity…

Go here to learn more and sign up:


Trust me on this one…this technique and this event is truly amazing.

Jenny Johnston

P.S. – If you want to see what some of the experts that I mentioned above have to say about this event, about EFT Tapping, and about Nick Ortner, the host of the event you can see that on this page:


You’ll get to hear from experts like Dr. Wayne Dyer, Louis Hay, Kris Carr, Dr. Joseph Mercola, Jack Canfield, Jennifer McLean, Cheryl Richardson, Arielle Ford, Joe Vitale and many others…

Quantum EFT & Mining the Akash – more information & testimonials

After being introduced to the Kryon teachings in 1998, I have continued to immerse myself in this ‘new’ knowledge and information as it is given. I have loved being present in the energy of Kryon at all the live channellings in Melbourne and in 2013, at the Kryon Discovery Series in Mt Shasta, the Kryon Kundalini Tour in South America and I’m pleased to have been invited to have information about Quantum EFT & Mining the Akash available at the 2014 Melbourne Kryon event.

I have always endeavoured to apply what Kryon teaches and my own ‘remembrance’ to my life, skills and teachings. As an EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques) Trainer and Practitioner, a Matrix Re-Imprinting Practitioner, a Clinical Hypnotherapist and a Past life Regression Therapist, I have applied what Kryon has been teaching with what I have learned in my professional life. With guidance from my Higher Self and my own Akash, I consulted with Lee to see if I was ‘on track’ with what I had been drawn to create. Lee approved with what I had created in the form of workshops called “Quantum EFT & Mining the Akash”. These workshops continue to evolve with new energy and information as it arrives into consciousness on the planet. Over a weekend, a small group of people learn to connect with their intuition, their higher self and use techniques such as ‘Ask and Receive’ Method, muscle testing, psychometry, experience 2 Past Life Regressions (other lives), use EFT in time, space and place (Quantum EFT) on what drama arises from the PLR, dissolving it and then ‘Mine the Akash’ looking for gifts, talents, traits and imprint them into the present life.

I am now also offering ‘Personal Akashic Journeys’ for those who wish to have a personal, intensive journey, over a time frame that suits both of us, with me (and their guides and Higher Self) holding their hand. This journey will visit other lifetimes with the intention of finding the fear, drama and unfinished business that still drives them today at an unconscious, energetic level in survival mode action or inaction. Once identified, we use Quantum EFT to dissolve it where it originated so that it no longer impacts us in the now or in the future. With the drama/survival mode issues cleared, we go on to ‘Mine the Akash’ with the higher intention of finding love, happiness, success, health, skills and talents then bringing them back and overlaying them into the current life, activating them through the meridian system and having the multidimensional DNA speak to the blueprint of the stem cells.

As Kryon says in his “The Elusive Akash” channelling (Aug ’13), the new Akashic Drivers in our new recalibrated energy (after 2013), will be more influenced by compassionate action, love and finishing business. The energy will now support releasing feelings of being victims, self-worth will increase and the Akash will speak to the brain and the innate body in higher concepts.

This process of Quantum EFT & Mining the Akash, whether it be in a small group workshop over a weekend or a Personal Akashic Journey, with Jenny leading you through the process in each, will allow you to drop the fear based, survival driven karma and co-create for yourself a new future. These blocks and past experiences from the past can be difficult to get past by yourself. This is a process that marries with, and is a catalyst for, creating your new future, in the new recalibrated energy, free from past unconscious survival drivers.

Do you want to control your life and create a new future? How about if you become peaceful around drama and things that used to be a problem and they no longer push your buttons? Quantum EFT is a process that includes allowing you to state out loud, your intentions, allowing your cells, brain and energy to hear and feel it. You will have more peace in your life and live longer. You will become like the Masters and LIVE, ‘All is well’.

You can watch some Quantum EFT sessions on my You Tube Channel – “EFTAustralia”.

I love this video example (12 mins) of a Quantum EFT student who had been triggered by the concept of ‘confrontation’ after listening to the Kryon Parable, “Past Lives, Present Fears – Fear of Confrontation

Her whole body screamed out the emotional and physical past life feelings of fear of death in the face of confrontation and it was clearly still affecting her today. After the Quantum EFT Session on it, the feelings dissolved. She no longer shakes and fears for her life in situations of confrontation and she doesn’t avoid them either. That karmic fear based driver is no longer present for her and she is free from it.

What karmic, fear based drivers are still controlling you under the radar?

If you’d like to ‘void’ them and move freely into creating your now and future, as well as go into other lives lived and collect talents, gifts, skills, health, then visit my website – www.quatumeft.com.au and book for a workshop or personal journey (both have limited spaces). If you would like a Quantum EFT Workshop in your part of the world and would like to co-create it with Jenny, email her to discuss and create it.

Here is some feedback from people who have attended a Quantum EFT & Mining the Akash Workshop, including this short video 

Jane – “This was truly an organic, primal experience. Wonderfully clear and evocative, delving into a deep past which influences the ‘me’ now. I have received guidance offering direction into new areas in my practice. I feel it was balanced and I loved the way you led us into the group past life experiences. It was a divine experience, as was Mining the Akash. I was given some very important knowledge. Thank-you”.

Vanessa – “Loved the weekend. I never thought I’d be able to tap into a Past Life as I’d never been able to before”.

Janine – “The experience of this workshop has been so valuable to me. I can’t even begin to process all the learning and insight I’ve received”. [Read more…]

Wayne Dyer speaks about how angry he was and how he found forgiveness.

At the age of 34 Wayne Dyer drove to Biloxi, Mississippi to visit the grave of his father, an alcoholic and abusive man who had abandoned him, his mother and two brothers the day he was born.

Although he had died 10 years earlier, Wayne had only just found out about his death.

He drove to the grave that day with a level of anger so great, so deep from years of hurt built up, that he went there with two tasks in mind:  To find out if it was even acknowledged on his death certificate that Wayne was his son, and to literally “pee” on the grave of the father that he held all this hatred, anger and resentment towards for 34 years.

What came out of that visit however, completely and forever changed his life. It is one of the most beautiful stories you’ll ever hear.  It shares a message of forgiveness and it’s power to transform that I think is truly life-changing and worth your time to listen to.

He tells this story, and much more, in this exclusive interview with Nick Ortner, conducted for the upcoming 6th annual Tapping World Summit, which starts on February 24th:    http://thetappingsolution.com/cmd.php?Clk=5201158

If you had been in Wayne’s shoes, would you have been able to forgive?

Who do you have in YOUR life that you need to forgive?  How would it change your life to forgive and release any anger, resentment, hatred or other negative emotions that you carry, towards BOTH others as well as yourself? (Don’t forget the forgiving yourself part!)

Most people today know Wayne Dyer for his best-selling books (having sold literally hundreds of millions of copies), his Public Broadcasting Station television specials, and his heart-warming and thought-provoking talks…

But do not know that up to that point in his life when he visited his father’s grave, he was overweight, drinking heavily, and was as he describes himself, “Basically on an involuntary suicide mission.”

But he was able to radically transform, through the power of forgiveness, and in this video, as well as the upcoming 6th annual Tapping World Summit, you’ll learn how to do the same, to radically improve the quality of your own life.

I hope you take a few minutes to watch this video, and I highly recommend attending the 10 day Tapping World Summit, which begins on February 24th.  This event has had over a million people attend it over the last 5 years.  It is a huge, life-changing, no-cost event.


I’ll see you there!

Jenny Johnston

P.S. – One of my favorite parts of the videos is Wayne’s “plane story” where he came out of the bathroom on a plane covered in sweat from head to toe.  It’s hilarious and will having you laughing out loud.  It’s at about 20 minutes.  Make sure to check it out:


If you’d like to be trained as a Tapping (EFT) Practitioner, go to the EFT Training Page on this website.

EFT Training and Quantum EFT Workshops for 2014


Learn to become a fully Certified EFT Universe Practitioner with Jenny Johnston, EFT Universe Trainer & start your own business or work in a Wellbeing Centre. www.jennyjohnston.com.au  Frankston, Vic.  0405 147 265

Australian EFT Training/Workshops for Melbourne and Newcastle in ‘14.

EFT Level 1

  • Melbourne, Seaford, March 1, 2. $395
  • Newcastle, April 3, 4. $395
  • Melbourne, Seaford, July 5, 6. $395

EFT Level 2

  • Melbourne, Seaford, March 3, 4. $395
  • Melbourne, Seaford, March 8, 9. $395
  • Newcastle, April 5, 6. $395
  • Melbourne, Seaford, July 12, 13. $395

EFT Level 3

  • Melbourne, Seaford, March 10, 11. $395
  • Newcastle, April 7, 8. $395

Quantum EFT & Mining the Akash www.quantumeft.com.au

  • Melbourne, Seaford, March 29, 30 (incl March 28 for EFT Foundation Day) $495/$695
  • Melbourne, Seaford, April 26, 27 (incl April 25 for an EFT Foundation Day) $495/$695
  • Melbourne, May 10, 11 (incl May 9 for an EFT Foundation Day) $495/$695
  • Melbourne, May 24, 25 (incl May 23 for an EFT Foundation Day) $495/$695
  • Melbourne, Seaford, July 19, 20 (incl July 18 for an EFT Foundation Day) $495/$695

Details of the EFT/QEFT Workshops – http://www.jennyjohnston.com.au/eft-training-dates/ Register at the ‘Register for Workshops’ page – http://www.jennyjohnston.com.au/register/

Early bird Prices available ($350, $450 or $650) if paid in full 2 months prior and for those attending the Kryon Melbourne Event –see here for Kryon event in Melb.