How to finally find relief when you’ve experienced a family member suicide.

Please take care of and be responsible for your own wellbeing and tap along with this video at all times.It’s very emotional.

It’s also so wonderful to see her peace after being able to process all her emotions after so long. All the responsibility, guilt, anger and sadness.

How to help yourself and your loved one when they are feeling emotional pain and you are feeling it too.

Tap along with this video for feeling emotional distress when you see your family member in emotional distress.

Ever feel the need to eat sweet things after dinner?

Try tapping along to this video filmed in an EFT Workshop to diminsh your own sweet cravings.

Do you ever experience pain in your back or neck?

Tap along with this video and focus on your own pain and when and where you have experienced it. Perhaps your pain will diminish too.

If you would like to work with Jenny to work on your specific pain and any emotional contributions to pain, contact her for a session in person or on skype.

Do you have a fear of spiders and want to be rid of it? Tap along to this video and see what happens.

Please take care ofyour own wellbeing and tap along while you watch this. If you want to work specifically on your own spider memory with Jenny, please contact her here for a private skype or in person session.