EFT for Sexual Abuse – all that shame, ‘that dirty feeling’.

So many people in life are still affected by sexual abuse that they endured as a child. If you have been sexually abused, or know of someone who has, then this following video may assist you. Notice that we trace the feelings in the body and the emotion of shame and then use EFT and Quantum EFT on the 3 year old and other ages of herself that experienced the shame and sexual abuse. I also ‘turbo boost’ the EFT with the smell and colour of the Colour Mirror Spritzers.

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Please make sure that you take care of your own health and tap along. If you require a private session in person or on skype (jennycjohnston) for a personalized session’ please do not hesitate to contact me.

If you would like to learn EFT and at the same time clear some of your own issues/patterns/blocks to living a life you love, please book into an EFT Workshop. Dates here.


(Video 1 of 3)